Category Archives: Furniture News

Massage Chair Reviews – A Look at Massage Chairs and Review Options

We all have our own personal stresses. Some worry about money problems while others worry about whether their job is secure. Stress causes a physical response in all of us, tightening our muscles primarily in our neck, back and shoulder area. A massage chair is a great product to help you feel less stressful and […]

Chair Yoga Can Help Older People Reduce the Risk of a Fall

Chair Yoga Can Help Older People from fall. Falling is a major heath concern for older people. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control : More than one-third of adults ages 65 years and older fall each year. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths (Murphy 2000. And […]

A Rainbow of Baby Furniture

Many years ago one could hardly imagine nowadays unheard-of variety of baby furniture. Especially the present diversity of baby cribs thrills many people. However the most important thing is that the craze for baby cribs is still growing. Literally, nowadays vast expanse of baby beds enraptures and at the same time confuses many parents. Due […]